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Feed Your Spirit, Live Your Values, Find your People!

Sunday Morning Services at 10:30AM
In-Person at 246 South Church Street, Grass Valley, CA

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Invitation to Deep Listening

How might we soften to listen more deeply in a culture that devalues contemplation? How might we explore different levels of consciousness and dissolve limiting boundaries? Deep Listening, as developed by Pauline Oliveros, explores the difference between the involuntary nature of hearing and the conscious nature of listening. This practice involves going below the surface…

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Latest News

UUCM Beat Cafe last Tuesday @ 6:00pm (with image of microphone and superimposed script handwriting; UUCM Jam Cafe last Thursdays @ 6:00pm with assortment of musical instruments; marquee lights around the words, "They're Back!"

They’re Back!

The Beat Café and Jam Café are back from hiatus! The last Tuesday of the month (except holidays), join MC Paul at the Beat Café: an open mic night for poets and writers. On the last Thursday of the month (except holidays), DJ Paul hosts the Jam Café: a casual gathering of musicians playing familiar […]

volunteers with trash buckets on hiking trail

Yuba River Clean-Up!

Calling on UUCM members and friends to be a part of the SYRCL Yuba River Clean-Up on Saturday September 28th, 9am to noon. You’ll have bragging rights on “Trash Sunday,” September 29th! This year we are assigned to clean up at Providence Mine Road Trail above Deer Creek. It’s a great opportunity for us to […]

graphic of UUCM logo as if food on dinner plate, but spliced in half; the other half of the image is text: "Share the Plate"

Share the Plate: August 2024

UUCM’s July Share the Plate recipient, Bright Futures for Youth, will receive $867, thanks to generous UUCM members, friends, and visitors.  These weekly donations add up.  Thank you all. As of this writing, we are currently finishing up collections for our August partner, Sierra Streams Institute   Our September Share the Plate recipient is Nevada […]

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All Are Welcome Here!

Since 1994, the Unitarian Universalist Community of the Mountains has been home to progressive religion in Northern California. We gather in safe and compassionate community, seeking our varied spiritual truths. We affirm our interdependence, celebrate our differences, and seek to be a thoughtful and courageous voice for liberal religion. We invite you to explore this website to find out more about who we are and what we do, and whether this just might be a community for you.